Listed below are our subsidiaries, our percentage ownership in each subsidiary and the total number of active subsidiaries directly or indirectly owned by each subsidiary as of June 29, 2017.
% Ownership
U.S. Subsidiaries
Non-U.S. Subsidiaries
FFIN Securities, Inc., Nevada, USA
LLC IC Freedom Finance, Russia
     JSC Freedom Finance, Kazakhstan(1)
     LLC FFIN Bank, Russia(2)
     LLC First Stock Store, Russia(3)
     Branch Office of LLC IC Freedom Finance in
     Kazahkstan, Kazakhstan(4)
(1) LLC IC Freedom Finance owns a 100% interest in JSC Freedom Finance.
(2) LLC IC Freedom Finance owns a 100% interest in LLC FFIN Bank.
(3) LLC IC Freedom Finance owns a 100% interest in LLC First Stock Store.
(4) LLC IC Freedom Finance owns a 100% interest in Branch Office of LLC IC Freedom Finance in Kazakhstan.